HEX series bonding TBase
Product Information 56/25 The range of Easy Grip HEX digital prosthetic solutions is enriched with the new bonding TBase available in rotating (PTR34-x) and non-rotating (PTS34-x) versions. The new TBase, made of titanium, are intended for the creation of single prostheses and bridges using the bonding technique through the use of CAD CAM software (Exocad, […]
Easy Grip HEX 7.0 Digital Libraries
Product Information 55/25 TFI System Srl makes available the release 7.0 of the digital libraries intended for the Easy Grip HEX Implant Line. The new release can be downloaded directly from the link https://www.tfisystem.com/en/digital-libraries. The Easy Grip® HEX 7.0 differs from previous libraries due to the adoption of the new TBASE, which represents the ideal […]
CONE NARROW 3.0 Line Ball Abutments
The range of prosthetic components intended for the Easy Grip CONE NARROW implant line is enriched by the series of ball attachments intended for the construction of removable overdentures. The new abutments keep the main technical characteristics of the ball abutments of the major “CONE” series intact, such as materials, dimensions and heights, adopting the […]
Contra-angle adapters
The AMCA (Manual adapter for contra angle) is an adapter for contra angle inserts which, when connected to the shank of any contra-angle instrument, allows manual use. Furthermore, with the accessory code AMCU (Ratchet Adapter), it is possible to connect the manual adapter AMCA to the torque ratchet (code CUD80) allowing the use of all […]
Cad Cam / Angled Channels
Product information 48/22 The Easy Grip CONE implant line includes a series of accessories that allow you to angle the screwing channel of the abutments. Particularly indicated in aesthetic situations that require demanding screw-retained restorations. It is possible to design channels angled up to 20° on TBase and MUA in complete safety thanks to the […]
Cone Connection Implants
Product information 47/22 The new Easy Grip Series 70 implant line represents the perfect synthesis of 25 years of TFI System Srl know-how in the field of internal connections.The innovative design of the threads capable of increasing the implant surface area by 20% compared to a traditional implant and the exclusive, self-centering and osteocondensing apical […]
Drivers for Implants
Product information 46/21 The surgical accessories of the Easy Grip line for the removal of implants are enriched by the new series of “K” series hexagonal keys which complement the current drivers with o-rings. The new drivers, available in the ICK manual version and for AMK handpiece, use a PEEK insert to connect to the […]
Bone Level Conical Implants
Product information 45/21 The Easy Grip implant line is enriched by the new 60 series with the aim of providing a conical implant that can be used in the presence of all bone types D1 – D2 – D3 and D4. The profile of the new implant is defined by a totally conical nucleus equipped […]
Project co-financed by the European Union
Description of the projectThe project envisaged the company’s participation in the international fair in Cologne on 12-16 March 2019 with the aim of creating new contacts with international customers for the distribution of the product and the increase in export turnover.The company is currently investing on the international market with the help of a TEM […]
Torque wrench
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